Wednesday 24 November 2010

Meet somebody

Everybody I'd like you to meet Aunt Flo:

Aunt Flo is my aunt or something.
To be completely honest she's a total bitch. Whenever she comes over for her monthly visit  to our house she's a total bitch, especially to my mum but for some reason she just puts up with her.

Unfortunately the stress these visits cause make my mum mirror Aunt Flo, thus she becomes a total bitch too, demanding chocolate and Midsomer Murders (Aunt Flo loves Midsomer Murders like anything) in bed!
This is Aunt Flo getting mega-bitchy. Don't ever cross her when she's like this. She just rants on about how her life is so shit and wants to be left alone and stuff...even though she does all the visiting. It is so hard to ignore her.
As you can see, mega mega hates herself when she visits.

What a bitch.

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