Wednesday, 1 December 2010

The Tale of The Language Whore and The Painting Rapist (maybe)

I think I currently have a total mega video fetish.

So, please look at another:


Let me explain what's going on.
At art school we had to make notes on each other's quick drawings and from these notes we had to develop a final piece. I was experimenting with rearranging the words on the page to create a Dadaist-inspired poem. The rearrangement I finally had was to take the first word from every line and making that into a sentence, then taking the second word from every line, third and so on, making a nonsensical essay.
I was playing around with masking tape and then wondered how far down the corridor I'd get just by copying my nonsense essay onto a single piece of masking tape. I got pretty far as you can see.

However, I wasn't satisfied.
I wanted to go further and give myself an excuse to explore the parts of the college building I had never seen before.
Meanwhile in another session we were discussing our interests and passions and the first that came to mind for me was my love of foreign languages; and one thing followed from the next. I set about translating my nonsense into different languages! I started with French and German (thank you A Levels!) and then someone looking at what I was doing said 'you know what I could translate your text into Spanish if you like'. I nearly wet myself in excitement! This project was thrilling!
And from her I asked other people I knew who could speak a foreign language to translate my piece (although I could've translated everything in google translate because it doesn't make any grammatical sense, I believe in real knowledge of a language, not a computer...cheers Mrs Brown), and the longer the masking tape became, the more people enquired about the work and offered to translate the text into the language they knew. Oh the help of beautiful strangers...

I also got into kinda odd conversations too: there was some guy who does BA Painting who I briefly discussed my work with, and then he rounded off the five minute conversation by asking me out for a drink. Unfortunately my innocent mind processed this request as just going out to a pub in order to consume a beverage and that is that...however 10 or so seconds later I grasped the real connotations of this phrase and was like 'whoah, when did we get to this subject? You're waaay too forward! I can't even remember your fucking name, for God's sake!' So I said I was busy (which was true - Harry Potter, yeah?) and he obviously appeared pretty disappointed. Nevertheless I shall take his forwardness as a compliment, unless he secretly wanted to rape me which is totes not cool.


So altogether the following languages were used:
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • Hungarian
  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • Greek
Shit - nine languages...I hadn't even counted until now! I think that's a lotta language.

I'm such a language whore.

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