Thursday, 27 January 2011


Skins is back.
How depressing.
I have reason to believe that Skins made me slightly depressed during Year 11 and/or 12. I think it was the fact that Skins makes people who have like serious mental retardations appear super cool and super hip and, during its broadcast, it was apparent to me that I wasn't sufficiently mentally or socially inept.
So I became miserable and depressed.
Now that I was 'depressed' I could look on Wikipedia to see whether or not I was depressed I found something that was like the next level down from depression (forgotten the name but it isn't as bad as fully hardcore depression), which made me feel (ironically) good about myself as I had mental problems, just like those fucking freaks on Skins.
I remember trying to make myself cry to go to sleep, but then I looked up on the NHS website and saw that depressed people actually don't cry as much as mentally stable people. DAMN!
Although I did come up with a suicide tactic of jumping off a motorway bridge about 40 minutes walk from my house. Once I was very much convinced I would jump.

But suicide is painfully selfish, no matter how much in pain you are. Jumping from that bridge could've killed drivers below as well as myself, affecting their families, not just mine. Or what if I actually didn't die but became severely brain-damaged for the rest of my life instead? Let us not dwell on these hypotheses for much longer, the point is that so many people are affected one person taking their lives into their own hands (or death by any cause for that matter).
Additionally, my attitude to depression was extremely narcissistic and I know now that I really did not have depression (...well I knew at the time too admittedly), but I empathise with those who actually do have depression and I feel really stupid for abusing the term of a serious mental illness.

I think I used my 'depressed' personality as an attention-seeking device or sympathy reaper. I was in fact contemplating texting somebody I fancied that I was depressed and wanted to kill myself or something in order for them to come to my rescue, cry for me and then make out with me. Super shallow, no?

I know that this 'depression' was thanks to Skins because once the series was over (or whenever it wasn't on) I was a pretty stable and sensible and happy person. It's just that I take things like Skins super too seriously. I didn't feel cool enough. I still don't feel sufficiently cool, whereas this time I don't really give a shit.
I felt like I was missing out. I was comparing my life to a TV series featuring characters of the same age to me and I questioned myself as to why I didn't have a mental problem; why I wasn't doing drugs; why I cared about school.

When Series 4 aired however, I had grown up and realized how shoddy and unconvincing the programme was.

Now that Series 5 is being broadcast tonight, I really can't be fucked to join in.
The lesson to learn here is: Skins isn't real. You'd have to be stupid like me to believe it is.

God, this lesson-teaching thing's so cliche...

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